Monday, February 17, 2014

six years later...

strange typing again, but there I am reading other people's shit. other people's shit that isn't even like all that great. like a step above mediocre, maybe. that could be a stretch, but it's not. this blog doesn't get the pageviews that my other one still does, but there I was in the shower thinking, "who was it that made those weird spliced up videos about the Von Erichs again?" and then somehow it brought me back to those glorious posts on TC that began prior to a WHOLE buncha shit that happened. lemme try to reconcile this while I still have a few synapses remaining...

  • got married (my parents didn't come)
  • lost my job (it was on a wednesday, i believe)
  • turned into a lazier shit than prior
  • burned a hole in my parents couch while reading the likes of Caro and checking CSPAN way too often
  • worked at customer service as the infamous LifeStation for a month by misappropriating my entire resume. 
  • signed up for the army in mid 2010, then off to basic training in 2011
  • deployed to afghanistan for like the first 6 months of 2013
  • that's all

excuse the whole lower case typing right now, but eventually, i'm gonna start writing again for real. if only to vent and get thoughts out that couldn't find their way out otherwise. 

in the mean time: i'm gonna start by posting excerpts of things i wrote on my deployment. it was a rather mundane experience and while i'd never snowden what happened, i want to keep everything posted to things that are personal, heartfelt, truthful. so there.

i'm still in the army and will start working on my masters in international relations. i think this outlet could help more than can be explained. 
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