Sunday, January 28, 2007

A Plan For The Future

Plans are important.
Retirement awaits all of us.
So does death.
What we do in the meantime has a real impact on how we look upon our lives when we're old and possibly dying. And it has an impact on people who know you, because they need something to remember you by.

You don't want to be remembered for masturbating in public while drinking way too many rum and cokes.

And I don't want to be remembered for absolutely nothing.
Clearly, there is a way out.

Testicles Chowdhury will provide YOU with the content that you truly desire. How do I know this? Well, I can't tell you. But I know I will target all different kinds of subjects - with interviews with some pretty amazing people! Not fake interviews, but real interviews. And interesting interviews about all kinds of subjects. YEAH.

ALSO, I WILL TACKLE SUBJECTS! Wait, I already said that once.

So have a great time putting this as a bookmark on your browser. Well, until I get lazy and stop posting. Then you'll try to remember how you got convinced to read this blog.

Anyways, thanks for reading.

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